Viruses and Infections

Can viruses, viral infections and viral overload trigger Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME? Is the Epstein-Barr virus the cause of Fibromyalgia?

It is suspected that a build up of viral infections and bacterial infections in the body can trigger many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia including chronic fatigue, muscle aches and pains, joint pain, memory problems, brain fog and poor sleep.

The Epstein-Barr Virus

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is seen as a chief culprit to triggering Fibromyalgia. The Epstein-Barr virus is more commonly known as mononucleosis or “mono” or Glandular Fever. It is estimated that as much as 95% of the population has had Epstein-Barr virus at some time. It mainly effects young people and is often passed to others in colleges and universities where it is known as the “kissing disease” as it is passed via the saliva. Most young people recover after a short period of illness which includes symptoms of a very high temperature, severe sore throat, swollen glands and exhaustion.

There are many people who have Fibromyalgia and can trace their illness back to a bout of Mono or Glandular Fever.  

For others they don’t remember being ill in young adulthood or only have very mild symptoms at the time of infection. But the Epstein-Barr virus remains forever within the body and can reactivate in later life. 

Other Viruses


Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and is very contagious. It causes an itchy blister rash anywhere over the body.

Chickenpox parties were very common in relatively recent times. The mother of an infected youngster would invite similar aged children to a ‘party’ in the hopes that they would contact the virus too. It was believed that catching the chickenpox virus sooner, rather than later, would lead to less severe symptoms.


Shingles is caused by a virus and it manifests as an extremely painful rash. Shingles usually appears in later life and is caused by the varicella-zoster virus which is the same virus that causes chickenpox.

If you’ve previously had chickenpox, perhaps as a young child, the virus that caused it lies inactive in the nerve tissues close to your spinal cord and brain. Years or more likely decades later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. It is thought that a weakened immune system – common in old age – cannot successfully fight off the reactivated viral infection.

Influenza – Flu

Influenza or flu is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system and it has been linked to triggering Fibromyalgia in some people. For many people, a bout of the flu is inconvenient lasting just a few days or more. But for others complications such as developing pneumonia or the worsening of chronic illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, asthma or congestive heart failure can occur.

As many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia exactly match flu symptoms – fatigue, muscle aches and pains, memory problems - it is difficult to know if a bout of flu triggered Fibromyalgia or having chronic Fibromyalgia makes contracting a flu virus more likely.

Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

Hepatitis B (HBV) is viral infection of the liver that is spread through blood and body fluids. Many people with Hepatitis B will not experience any symptoms and fight off the virus without realizing they ever had the infection. But for others HBV infection can be life changing or life threatening as it can cause acute or chronic liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver or liver cancer.

According to Hepatitis News a study entitled “Fibromyalgia incidence among patients with hepatitis B infection” revealed that patients infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) have a higher incidence of Fibromyalgia. The study found HBV patients had a significantly higher fibromyalgia incidence, arthralgia (joint pain), widespread pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue, morning stiffness and anxiety in comparison to a control group.

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)

Hepatitis C is another virus that infects the liver and usually does not have any noticeable symptoms until the liver has been seriously damaged. This means many people have the viral infection without realizing it until it is too late. It is a major cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

Fibromyalgia is common in people with Hepatitis C.

A study entitled “Prevalence of fibromyalgia among patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.” revealed a high prevalence of Fibromyalgia (57%) among subjects with chronic HCV infection, one third of whom reported some degree of functional impairment.


It is too early to say if Coronavirus Covid 19 has triggered Fibromyalgia is some people but the Long Covid sufferers certainly display all the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

These include overwhelming and exhausting fatigue, muscle aches and body pains, chest pain, emotional and mental issues including bouts of unexplained sobbing, insomnia and poor sleep, brain fog and other cognitive issues such as poor concentration and memory. All these symptoms of course lead to a poor quality of life.

There has been a flurry of activity to investigate and research the long term effects of COVID 19 and help what are being termed as the ‘forgotten victims’ who are suffering such dreadful symptoms.

As Fibromyalgia sufferers, we know only too well how damaging and debilitating a range of seemingly unconnected symptoms can be, not only for the few weeks and months that the Long COVID patients have endured, but for years and years and years.  Read more about Long Covid


Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a very common bacterial infection – almost half the population have it. Helicobacter pylori thrives in the stomach lining. If you are infected with the H. pylori bacteria it can have very serious consequences on your overall health. Up to 15% of people who are infected with H. pylori will develop stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.

 H. Pylori damages the digestive system causing inflammation in the gut and leading to intestinal permeability known as leaky gut. And having a stomach that is compromised in this way can lead to the development of food intolerances, food allergies and mal-absorption of vitamins and minerals leading to malnutrition.

My experience of Helicobacter pylori infection

I started to get stomach issues from the age of 18 way back in 1978. And because the Helicobacter pylori was only scientifically discovered in 1983 and only fully recognised in 2005 I was not treated at the time.

For 40 years, in times of stress, my symptoms of intense gnawing pain in my stomach, excessive belching, bloated abdomen, feeling nauseous and severe indigestion made me feel very ill. During all those years I was offered simple Ranitidine or Omeprazole by my GP to ease the symptoms.

It was only after researching all my ailments, symptoms and illnesses related to my Fibromyalgia that I discovered that a simple course of strong antibiotics would kill off the Helicobacter pylori infection.

Aimed with this information I asked my GP for a test for H. pylori infection via a stool sample. The results of the test confirmed my suspicions and I was prescribed the antibiotics needed to kill off the bacteria that had caused such pain, illness and anxiety over decades. The antibiotics were amoxicillin and clarithromycin plus a proton pump inhibitor. After finishing the course of antibiotics I was re-tested and the results were that no Helicobacter pylori infection was present.

Knowing that a course of antibiotics can destroy the good gut bacteria in the stomach I bought a very good quality probiotic containing 4 billion live bacteria to repopulate my stomach. For the first time in years I began to reduce my reliance on Ranitidine and Omeprazole and within weeks stopped them completely. I still take daily probiotics and also eat a small amount of live Greek yogurt each morning on an empty stomach. All my stomach issues have completely gone.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to humans by infected ticks. If you are bitten by a tick, you may not be aware of it as the bites are painless. The bacteria from the tick bite penetrates through the skin and into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. It can take a few weeks before any symptoms show up. A large rash may develop at the site of the bite but this is not always the case. The infection can go on to damage joints and the nervous system. Other symptoms may develop such as tiredness, muscle and joint pain. This can trigger Fibromyalgia in some people and lead to chronic fatigue, chronic pain and depression.

Candida Infection

Candida infection or yeast infection can be a trigger for Fibromyalgia. Candida is a fungus and is normally found in small amounts on the skin, inside the mouth and in the intestines. Candida becomes a problem when it begins to grow and flourish too much and can cause the infection known as candidiasis.

The symptoms of Candida infection are identical to many Fibromyalgia symptoms – insomnia, cold extremities, fatigue, mood swings, muscle pain, joint pain, weakness and brain fog.

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