Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium Deficiency and Fibromyalgia – the key to finding my Fibromyalgia Cure?

It has been found that amongst other minerals Women with Fibromyalgia have a Magnesium deficiency. When you are Magnesium deficient your adrenal glands can react too quickly and trigger the ‘flight or fight’ response flooding your nervous system with stress hormones. In this stressed state even the smallest of noises, smells, lights etc. can trigger a massive over-reaction and even more stress hormones are released which further depletes Magnesium levels. 

Stress causes us to lose Magnesium via urine. When we have a lot of stress it can cause us to become Magnesium deficient. Unfortunately Magnesium deficiency makes us susceptible to react to stress more acutely. This becomes a vicious circle of being stressed and consequently losing Magnesium, reacting more to stress and losing even more Magnesium.

There is no doubt in my mind that along with poor sleep, stress is one of the key factors leading to Fibromyalgia. As Fibromyalgia sufferers we seem to react to stress more keenly than others.

We become overly sensitive to touch, noise, lights, changes in temperature and smells. We feel pain more acutely than others. This is known as Multisensory Hypersensitivity or Sensory Overload.

In a study entitled Multisensory Hypersensitivity in Women with Fibromyalgia it was found that women with Fibromyalgia reported more sensitivities to sensory experiences in daily life than others.

Overloaded and overwhelmed senses – sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell – all cause stress. Ordinarily eating in a restaurant would be a pleasurable experience for all the senses. But for the Fibromyalgia sufferer who experiences sensory overload it can be incredibly stressful. Small stresses like the dropping of a fork onto a tiled floor, the crying of a baby, the laughing of a group of people celebrating are amplified in the Fibromyalgia sufferer. The lights seem to be too bright, the smells too intense, the noises far too loud and too many people sharing your space all add to the stress you are experiencing.

With the barrage of sensory overload and your body in a constant heightened state of fear/panic (the fight or flight response) it inevitably results in fatigue, aches and pains.

The fight or flight response is designed to be a temporary measure when we are in severe threat of danger. It should never be the default setting.

If you were threatened at knifepoint to hand over your wallet your whole body and mind would react. You may shake uncontrollably, you may burst out crying, the hairs on the back of your neck may stand up.

After the event you may feel exhausted, your whole body may ache as if you’ve had a severe case of the flu.

If this happens to you, you would not go about your daily business. You would need to take time to rest and recover from the shock you have experienced. Your friends and loved ones would give you tea and sympathy. Hopefully this experience or something like it, may only happen once in a lifetime.

For the Fibromyalgia sufferer this is a daily occurrence and often several times a day.

A long list of ailments, illnesses and disorders are said to be due to a lack of Magnesium. This same list overlaps many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Aching bones
Aching muscles
Acid reflux
Back pain
Blood clots
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chest pain
Chronic fatigue
Chronic headaches
Difficulty focusing
Difficulty swallowing
Extreme bloating
Fluid retention
Heart disease
Heart flutters
Heart palpitations
High blood pressure
Joint pain
Joint stiffness

Leg cramps
Low mood
Mental sluggishness
Muscle aches
Muscle cramps
Muscle pain
Painful elbows
Painful feet
Painful hands
Painful hips
Painful knees
Painful wrists
Poor blood sugar regulation
Poor concentration
Poor focusing
Poor memory
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Premenstrual tension (PMT)
Rapid heartbeat
Raynaud’s Syndrome
Restless leg syndrome
Sensitivity to loud noises
Tarsal Tunnel syndrome
Thyroid disorders (low or high)
Water retention
Wrist pain

As you can see there are many overlapping symptoms of Magnesium deficiency and Fibromyalgia.

Read more about Magnesium

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