Fibromyalgia and Depression

Having Fibromyalgia and depression together can be very debilitating.  Alongside widespread excruciating pain, brain fog, chronic fatigue plus many other symptoms many people with Fibromyalgia also endure depression.

Many physical symptoms of depression overlap the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. They include weight gain, digestion problems, aches and pains, low energy, lack of libido and sleep problems.

Overlapping psychological symptoms of both Fibromyalgia and depression include lack of motivation, lack of interest, feeling tearful, continually in a low mood, not enjoying life and finding it difficult to make decisions.

Many studies have linked Fibromyalgia and depression together. Some believe that having Fibromyalgia causes depression, whereas others believe that having depression can trigger Fibromyalgia.

Low levels of serotonin

Fibromyalgia and Depression

According to the NHS research has found people with Fibromyalgia have abnormally low levels of serotonin in their brains.

Low levels of serotonin are thought to contribute to depression.

I have written about ways to increase serotonin naturally.

With the many mental and physical symptoms of both Fibromyalgia and depression people with both conditions find it difficult to muster enough energy and motivation to exercise. But both conditions are thought to benefit from at least some gentle daily exercise. I wholeheartedly recommend Qigong and have found that YouTube videos can help. 

I found this video to be particularly helpful but there are many others. Just Google Qigong for depression and you are sure to find one or two that could suit you.  

My experience of having Fibromyalgia and depression

My experience of having Fibromyalgia

The following is a passage from the 4 page letter I gave to my rheumatologist to describe my symptoms and how they affected my life. 

"I get out of the blue sudden and unexplained, uncontrollable sobbing. It usually happens when my aches and pains are very bad. And it isn’t necessarily because of the pain, (although I do weep when the pain is very intense). It is more as an accompaniment to the aches, pains and weakness. I sob uncontrollably for a minimum of 5 minutes.

During these sobbing episodes I have suicidal thoughts.

My husband helps me through this by rationally explaining I will recover from the sobbing soon.
Before and after these sobbing events I’m perfectly happy and feel normal. I can go a week without having them and then I can have them 3 or 4 times a day for a number of days."

I cured my depression and bouts of sobbing by following the advice given in my Cure for Fibromyalgia

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