Supplements for Fibromyalgia

How using supplements for Fibromyalgia helped me find my Fibromyalgia cure. Yes vitamins, minerals and herbs can help you beat pain, fatigue & depression.

Despite having a healthy and varied diet I had many of the symptoms relating to mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

I decided to research supplements for Fibromyalgia and found that there were just so many recommended for all kinds of symptoms.  I was overwhelmed. I decided to drill down to the essential basics as I could not afford all of them, nor could I imagine myself swallowing so supplements in a day.

So these are the supplements for Fibromyalgia that I take. 

Supplements for Fibromyalgia


It has been found that amongst other minerals Women with Fibromyalgia have a Magnesium deficiency.

If you take no other supplements for Fibromyalgia other than Magnesium you will be improving your health. I have written elsewhere about Magnesium deficiency, the relationship between Magnesium and Calcium and what types of Magnesium are best for Fibromyalgia sufferers.

Of any of the supplements for Fibromyalgia I would suggest that Magnesium was the most important and most effective for helping with symptoms. 

There has been much written and researched linking Magnesium deficiency as one of the chief causes of Fibromyalgia.

And the overlapping symptoms of both Magnesium deficiency and Fibromyalgia make for a compelling argument.

Read more about the connection between Fibromyalgia and Magnesium deficiency.

  •     Depression
  •     Irritability
  •     Anxiety
  •     Mood swings
  •     Chronic fatigue
  •     Lethargy
  •     Impaired memory
  •     Poor cognitive function
  •     Insomnia
  •     Muscle weakness
  •     Muscle spasms
  •     Muscle cramps
  •     Migraine headaches
  •     Sound sensitivity
  •     Light sensitivity

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually a hormone, it is essential to be replete in this vitamin. Many of us cannot get enough Vitamin D from food sources or from sunshine, especially in the winter months.

If you want to take Vitamin D supplements for Fibromyalgia, then Vitamin D3 with added K2 is the one to take. I have written elsewhere about Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency test

Some of the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are identical to Fibromyalgia symptoms. These include depression, fatigue, general aches and pains and muscle weakness.

Osteomalacia the adult version of Rickets is caused by Vitamin D deficiency and softens the bones, making them very painful. Osteomalacia also causes muscle aches and weakness.

If you believe you are Vitamin D deficient just complete the simple Vitamin D deficiency test. The test involves pressing onto your sternum (breastbone) and then pressing on your tibias (shinbones) to see if they are painful or tender.

If you have the condition Costochrondritis (painful sternum, chest bones and ribs), as many Fibromyalgia sufferers do, it could be simply down to Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin B12

Fatigue, chronic pain and mental problems such as mood swings, poor memory and irritability are the key symptoms to Vitamin B12 deficiency. And yes Fibromyalgia has these identical symptoms. So could one of the causes of Fibromyalgia be a Vitamin B12 deficiency?

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