Acupressure Mat for Fibromyalgia

acupressure mat

If using an acupressure mat for Fibromyalgia pain and fatigue is something you want to try, then I would say go ahead. It helps by relieving pain and reducing stress.. It also helps with fatigue, insomnia and relaxation by releasing feel good endorphins.

Lying on an acupressure mat is drug free, bad side effect free and is entirely natural. It uses the body’s natural healing responses to circulate the blood, reduce stagnation of the blood and lymphatic system, flood the body with endorphins that make you feel good and help you relax and de-stress.

Lying on an acupressure mat for around 20 minutes a day is said to have a number of health benefits.

These include:

Reduces Stress
Relaxes Muscles
Reduces Fatigue
Reduces Muscle Tension
Stimulates Blood Flow

Releases Endorphins
Relieves Pain
Reduces Anxiety
Improves Sleep Quality
Increases Energy Levels

Tips for using Acupressure Mat for Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue

  • The prickly points can be very sharp, so handle with care when unrolling your mat.
  • At first it will HURT! But it will get better.
  • Start with wearing thin clothing before taking the plunge to go naked.
  • Lower your body gently onto the mat.
  • After use gently roll off the mat.
  • The first time you use your mat you might feel as though you cannot bare it, but stick with it.
  • Distract yourself from the initial pain by listening to music.
  • Different areas of your body may require different amounts of time. So you may only need 5 minutes standing with your feet on the mat as against as long as 20 minutes for your back and shoulders.
  • Wherever you feel pain, you can use the mat. For example, my outer thighs are always painful, so I just need to lie on each side with the mat under my thigh for about 5 minutes each.

My experience of using an Acupressure Mat for Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue

Someone on a Fibromyalgia Facebook group I belonged to was enthusing about the good effects after using an acupressure mat or Shakti mat for Fibromyalgia pain and how it really helped them to de-stress and relax. I had seen similar acupressure mats at my Physiotherapist’s office and was intrigued by them.

I had already had transcendental meditation techniques taught to me to help me relax and meditate. And I thought lying on an acupressure mat whilst meditating would be ideal for me.

After reading some of the Amazon reviews I immediately purchased an acupressure mat and neck pillow from Amazon Prime to be delivered the next day.

I followed the instructions carefully and decided to lie on the acupressure mat naked. I placed the acupressure mat on my bed and gingerly lay on top of it. I covered myself with a blanket to prevent me from getting cold. At first the prickly plastic spikes seemed too painful and I really wanted to stop. But I quickly became accustomed to it as my skin began to tingle and seemed to throb with heat. I presumed this was my blood circulating better. After just a few minutes I felt really relaxed and comfortable. I also used the acupressure pillow under my neck and after a short while I fell asleep! I awoke with a loud snore.

I absolutely love the calming and relaxing effects of my acupressure mat and use it each day for around 20 minutes. 

More on using an Acupressure Mat for Fibromyalgia Pain and Fatigue

Here are some benefits of using an acupressure mat for Fibromyalgia pain and fatigue:

1.     Pain Relief: Acupressure mats are designed with numerous small spikes or acupressure points that apply pressure to specific areas of the body. This stimulation may help alleviate muscle tension, reduce pain signals, and promote the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. Some individuals with Fibromyalgia have reported a reduction in overall pain levels when using acupressure mats.

2.     Muscle Relaxation: Fibromyalgia is often associated with muscle stiffness and tension. Using an acupressure mat can help relax the muscles, relieve muscle knots, and improve blood circulation to the affected areas. This relaxation effect may contribute to a decrease in muscle pain and an improvement in flexibility and range of motion.

3.     Improved Sleep: Many individuals with Fibromyalgia struggle with sleep disturbances and insomnia. The relaxation and pain relief provided by acupressure mats can help promote a more restful sleep. Using the mat before bedtime may help individuals with Fibromyalgia relax their body and mind, leading to improved sleep quality and reduced fatigue.

4.     Stress Reduction: Chronic pain and fatigue associated with Fibromyalgia can cause significant stress and anxiety. Acupressure mats can serve as a form of relaxation therapy and stress relief. The gentle pressure from the spikes on the mat can trigger the release of endorphins and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

5.     Enhanced Circulation: Poor circulation is a common complaint among individuals with Fibromyalgia. Acupressure mats can help improve blood flow to the muscles and tissues, which may aid in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients while facilitating the removal of waste products. This enhanced circulation can contribute to reduced pain and fatigue.

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