Long COVID and Fibromyalgia

Long COVID and Fibromyalgia have almost identical symptoms. Long COVID sufferers, also referred to as Coronavirus Long Haulers, have reported identical symptoms to those of Fibromyalgia sufferers. The long lasting effects and symptoms of COVID 19 Corona virus have also been likened to the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis).

These include overwhelming and exhausting fatigue, muscle aches and body pains, chest pain, emotional and mental issues including bouts of unexplained sobbing, insomnia and poor sleep, brain fog and other cognitive issues such as poor concentration and memory. All these symptoms of course lead to a poor quality of life.

Covid Virus

Help for Long COVID sufferers

Many stories are circulating on sites set up specifically to help support people with Long COVID such as longcovid.org  to Facebook groups and Blogs. The Long COVID sufferers report their pre-COVID lives as being fit, healthy, productive and sociable. Their post-COVID lives tell a different story (albeit a very familiar one to those who have suffered Fibromyalgia for years), of an inability to work or do basic household tasks. Previous marathon runners can barely get off the couch to make it to the kitchen. They have gone from hero to zero. Their crushing fatigue, aches and pains that simply never go away, mental confusion, inability to sleep soundly and a myriad of other life changing symptoms are seen as shocking, alarming and frightening.

There has been a flurry of activity to investigate and research the long term effects of COVID 19 and help what are being termed as the ‘forgotten victims’ who are suffering such dreadful symptoms.

Long COVID and Fibromyalgia

As Fibromyalgia sufferers, we know only too well how damaging and debilitating a range of seemingly unconnected symptoms can be, not only for the few weeks and months that the Long COVID patients have endured, but for years and years and years. Having both Long COVID and Fibromyalgia together is terrifying.

Very High Stress Hormones in patients with COVID 19


One of the most interesting findings whilst studying patients who have had Long COVID was led by NIHR researcher, Professor Waljit Dhillo, a Consultant Endocrinologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and professor of endocrinology and metabolism at Imperial College, London was the dangerously high levels of cortisol found in the patients with COVID 19.  

Cortisol is of course the stress hormone produced by the body in response to stress. Healthy daytime levels of cortisol should be between 100 and 200 nm/L and nearly zero when sleeping. Even after major surgery, (a very stressful event for the body) levels of cortisol can reach 1000 nm/L. But the cortisol levels in the COVID 19 patients ranged as high as 3241. These dangerous levels of cortisol means that those patients are more likely to deteriorate quickly and die.

But what about the untested levels of the cortisol stress hormone in people who believe they have had COVID 19 and could not get a test for the virus in the early days and weeks of the pandemic, or those who had a confirmed diagnosis of the Corona virus and are still suffering Long COVID symptoms? Perhaps their cortisol levels are higher than is healthy but not so much that they are hospitalised and succumb to death?

Could Long COVID patients have high stress levels that are causing all these debilitating symptoms that are identical to those of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis) and Fibromyalgia?

Some people believe that having Fibromyalgia is like a living death. Maybe the same could be said for the Long COVID sufferers.

So this poses another question, could all the same symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Long COVID – fatigue, muscle pains, body aches, brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia and poor sleep be caused by too much cortisol as a consequence of too much stress?

Well, I think the answer is obvious. Fibromyalgia sufferers are constantly in the stress state due to their faulty fight/flight/freeze response being on non-stop alert. You can read more about the role of stress in people with Fibromyalgia. And why I think that linking Fibromyalgia and stress issues is crucial to understanding how you can recover.

People who are living with the many symptoms of Fibromyalgia already have high levels of cortisol surging through their bodies due to chronic stress. The additional burdens on the body caused by the Corona virus and further rise in cortisol could prove fatal in some cases.

Obesity and Vitamin D Deficiency

Many people with Fibromyalgia are obese and obesity has been shown to be a factor in the outcomes of people who have caught the Corona virus.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in people with Fibromyalgia. And obese people need more Vitamin D than the general population. It has been reported in the media that nearly 99 per cent of Covid-19 patients who are Vitamin D deficient die.

BAME and Vitamin D Deficiency

It has been reported that people from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) background have been disproportionately impacted by Covid 19. The link between Vitamin D deficiency and skin colour has been known for years. Basically the darker skin you have the more Vitamin D you need. So it comes as no surprise to me that black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds have a higher risk of falling ill, needing hospitalization and higher death rates due to the Coronavirus compared to white people.

Viral Overload and Fibromyalgia 

The link to viral overload in people with Fibromyalgia is gaining more and more attention and is under the spotlight due to the most recent virus to impact our health - Coronavirus.

In various studies on Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) a link to viruses has been found.

masked woman

It is suspected that a build up of viruses in the body can trigger many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia including chronic fatigue, muscle aches and pains, joint pain, memory problems, brain fog and poor sleep.

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is seen as a chief culprit to triggering Fibromyalgia. The Epstein-Barr virus is more commonly known as mononucleosis or “mono” or Glandular Fever. It is estimated that as much as 95% of the population has had Epstein-Barr virus at some time. It mainly effects young people and is often passed to others in colleges and universities where it is known as the “kissing disease” as it is passed via the saliva. Most young people recover after a short period of illness which includes symptoms of a very high temperature, severe sore throat, swollen glands and exhaustion.

There are many people who have Fibromyalgia and can trace their illness back to a bout of Mono or Glandular Fever.  

For others they don’t remember being ill in young adulthood or only having very mild symptoms at the time of infection. But the Epstein-Barr virus remains forever within the body and can reactivate in later life. 

See more about Viruses

More on Long COVID and Fibromyalgia

Long COVID and Fibromyalgia are both medical conditions that involve chronic symptoms and can have overlapping features. While they are distinct conditions, there may be some connections and similarities between them.

Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), refers to a condition where individuals experience persistent symptoms and health issues following the acute phase of a COVID-19 infection. These symptoms can include fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, brain fog, sleep disturbances, and general malaise. While the exact cause of Long COVID is not fully understood, it is believed to involve a complex interplay of immune dysregulation, inflammation, and potential organ damage caused by the initial viral infection.

Fibromyalgia, on the other hand, is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties (often referred to as "fibro fog"), and heightened sensitivity to pain. It is thought to involve abnormalities in the way the central nervous system processes pain signals, amplifying pain sensations throughout the body. The exact cause of Fibromyalgia is not known, but factors such as genetics, physical or emotional trauma, and certain infections have been suggested as potential triggers.

Although Long COVID and Fibromyalgia have different origins, there are some commonalities that can lead to an overlap in symptoms and experiences. For instance, both conditions often involve persistent fatigue and pain. Additionally, individuals with Long COVID and those with Fibromyalgia may experience cognitive difficulties and have challenges with memory, concentration, and mental clarity.

It is also possible that Long COVID can trigger or exacerbate Fibromyalgia symptoms in certain individuals. The physical and emotional stress of dealing with a severe illness like COVID-19, coupled with the long-term effects of the infection on the body, can potentially contribute to the development or worsening of Fibromyalgia symptoms in susceptible individuals.

However, it is important to note that not everyone with Long COVID will develop Fibromyalgia, and not all individuals with Fibromyalgia have had COVID-19. These conditions have distinct diagnostic criteria and may require different approaches to treatment and management. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals experiencing chronic symptoms after a COVID-19 infection or those with Fibromyalgia to seek medical evaluation and guidance from healthcare professionals who can provide accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plans based on individual needs.

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