Fibromyalgia and Weight Issues

The link between Fibromyalgia and weight gain is well noted. Many people with Fibromyalgia put on weight. Members of the Fibromyalgia Facebook groups I belong to report they have put on lots of weight because of their condition. Is it just a lack of exercise, is it making bad food choices or is it as a side effect of the medication prescribed? Probably it is all three.

I was inactive due to fatigue and pain, I ate comfort food to help me through the dark days and I put on over 10kg (22 pounds) in the short time I was taking Gabapentin.

"Gabapentin can make you feel hungry" according to the NHS website. I lost that weight after I stopped taking the drug.

There are many reasons why people with Fibromyalgia have problems with their weight.

Firstly the majority of Fibromyalgia sufferers are women. Women tend to have issues with their weight more so than men. Pregnancy, problems with menstrual cycle, peri-menopause and menopause can cause weight gain in women.

Add to this the onset of Fibromyalgia and weight gain can become a big problem.

Reasons behind Fibromyalgia and weight gain

So what are the reasons behind Fibromyalgia and weight gain?

Firstly because of the symptoms of chronic fatigue, chronic pain and debilitating mental health issues it is little wonder that women put on weight.

With chronic fatigue many people with Fibromyalgia simply have no energy to exercise. With chronic pain many Fibromyalgia sufferers find they cannot exercise because of the pain. Chronic pain simply limits mobility. Or if they do attempt to exercise they find their symptoms worsen. Who want aches and pains brought on by exercise on top of the already severe pain they endure daily?

Suffering with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety can also prevent people with Fibromyalgia from exercising. Basically they cannot find the will, motivation and enthusiasm to put on some running shoes and go out jogging.

Another issue surrounding Fibromyalgia and weight gain is diet. If you are in pain, feel fed up and haven’t the energy to plan, shop, prepare, cook and eat nourishing, vitamin packed healthy meals you may be tempted to eat an unhealthy diet. Fast foods, takeaways and comfort foods are very tempting and convenient.

Finally the last issue surrounding Fibromyalgia and weight gain is the drugs people with the condition have to take. The main three ‘go to’ drugs for Fibromyalgia symptoms are Gabapentin, Pregabalin and Amitriptyline. All three cause weight gain.

Many people with Fibromyalgia gain a lot of weight simply by taking the prescribed medication given to them by their doctors. Unfortunately these same doctors can often blame their patient’s weight as a reason for continued or new symptoms.

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