Fibromyalgia and Lipedema

Lipedema also known as Lipoedema is a chronic disease effecting at least one in ten women. Just like the much higher proportion of women to men who have Fibromyalgia, men seemed to be by and large spared this debilitating, unsightly and painful disorder too. It is known as the painful fat disorder and Lipedema literally translates as fluid in the fat.

And again just like Fibromyalgia the causes of Lipedema is unknown. And the only current effective treatment is expensive and invasive liposuction.

The Lymphatic Education and Research Network outline that the causes of Lipedema are unknown but suggests it is a disease of the lymphatic microcirculation. And as the lymphatic system is responsible for clearing extra fluid from the tissues it appears that poor function of the lymphatic system leads to water retention that causes the fat cells to swell and, eventually to become abnormal.

Having a fully functioning and healthy lymphatic system is imperative to regaining your health and wellness from both Lipedema and Fibromyalgia. See more about the role of the importance of the lymphatic system.

The problem is that Lipedema is rarely diagnosed in many women. There is a lack of understanding of the condition by health care professionals who often dismiss the symptoms of excessive, abnormal, painful, swollen fatty deposits underneath the skin as merely signs of being overweight. Their advice is to eat less and move more.

Unfortunately many women with Fibromyalgia do become obese often as a result of limited mobility and as a side effect of many prescribed medications, (Gabapentin, Pregabalin and Amitriptyline being the worst culprits).

But even after strict dieting and intense exercise are addressed the stubborn fatty areas still remain. So no matter how hard you try to lose weight from your upper arms, buttocks, hips and legs, the fatty deposits still remain. You can and do lose weight from other areas with extreme dieting, but not in the Lipedema areas. The Lipedema fat still remains.

So if you are one of those women that have a disproportionate larger lower half and a slimmish upper body you probably have Lipedema.

Women with Lipedema are more likely to suffer Fibromyalgia and also hypothyroidism, (underactive thyroid) too. 

It is believed that the onset of Lipedema is brought on by puberty, pregnancy or menopause.

My experience of Fibromyalgia and Lipedema

In my case Lipedema occurred in menopause. I developed a ‘fat suit’ of very painful fascia and tissues that encased my body. Most painful areas were in the classic Lipedema sites of upper arms, buttocks, hips and legs. I felt heavy and cold in those areas too.

Also in these areas I developed unusual rashes that seemed to almost disappear on occasion only to return as bright red blotches on other occasions. I had the rashes checked out by a specialist dermatologist with blood tests and a biopsy but he was clueless as to the cause or cure.

It was only after many years of research whilst suffering pain, fatigue and depression did I discover my cure for Fibromyalgia was rooted in the lymphatic system.

Manual Therapy for pain relief

After many months of manual therapy from my physiotherapist and my massage therapist which involved Chinese Cupping, Chinese Scraping with a gua sha tool, myofascial release and deep tissue massage my stubborn, painful fat and fascia tissues began to melt away.

I bought my own gua sha tools and Chinese cups and a hand held electric massager to use on myself to help free up the painful tissues.  

My breakthrough moment came when taking the advice from my physiotherapist who suggested I bought a Reviber Handheld Deep Tissue Massager using the heat setting. With the help from my husband I used it daily and the results were amazing.

It must be added that I also practiced healing Qigong daily which allowed my lymphatic system to work properly. With a combination of massage and Qigong I not only lost excess weight but also pain.

Lipedema should not be confused with Lymphedema which is where one leg or one arm is swollen out of all proportion to the other limb. Women with Lipedema can develop Lymphedema too which is often referred to as Lipo-Lymphedema.

Video about Lipedema

Lipedema: An Undiagnosed Cause of Weight Loss Resistance - Aylah Clark, ND - Patient Symposium 2019

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