Fibromyalgia Warriors

You hear of Fibromyalgia Warriors on Fibromyalgia Forums and Facebook groups that believe that simply putting one foot in front of the other each day is an act of bravery. Fibromyalgia Warriors, sometimes called Fibro Warriors courageously battle to get through the day.

And yes, I know, or rather used to know the excruciating pain and sheer struggle of taking a few steps from the bedroom to the bathroom. I knew just how much energy sapping effort, determination and strength was needed to make those few steps. I knew just how much courage, determination and motivation it took to be bothered to take a shower, clean my teeth and get dressed.

Fibromyalgia Warriors Battle Cry?

Fibromyalgia Warrior

The Fibromyalgia Warriors battle cry seems to be ‘I accept that this is a lifelong, debilitating, incurable illness’ which is hardly the clarion call of an assertive fighter. Rather than accepting the fate of a living death, I call upon you to fight this insidious disease on all fronts. Attack aggressively and challenge every idea, accepted wisdom and every piece of knowledge you come across on the subject of Fibromyalgia.

I firmly believe that Fibromyalgia is curable.

Fibromyalgia Sufferer

Although the original intention of the phrase Fibromyalgia Warriors was probably about empowerment and showing strength and solidarity with other Fibromyalgia sufferers I feel it is not appropriate.

Fibromyalgia sufferers rarely feel strong or empowered. The inability of the medical profession to recognise, diagnose and treat effectively Fibromyalgia does not make someone suffering from it empowered and strong. Far from it, apart from the overwhelming and life changing symptoms of chronic widespread pain, debilitating fatigue and crippling depression etc. etc. etc. you are ground down by a medical profession that cannot or will not understand the full implications of what they see as an incurable syndrome.

The NHS states that Fibromyalgia is incurable and is only able to offer treatment for symptoms.

The drugs they offer you to combat pain, depression and fatigue are in my experience largely ineffective with some very grim and gruesome side effects.

I cannot accept that I am a Fibromyalgia Warrior. I cannot accept that Fibromyalgia is incurable. I will keep fighting and become strong and empowered in the knowledge that I have found my Fibromyalgia cure. 

I urge you to look over my website and discover the tips, information and real life experience of how I went from someone wracked with pain, chronically fatigued and sobbing uncontrollably to become pain free, fatigue free and depression free.

Maybe I am a Fibromyalgia Warrior as I have fought and won the battle of Fibromyalgia.

Perhaps you can overcome Fibromyalgia too. I do hope so.

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