Fibromyalgia Tender Points

There are 18 Fibromyalgia tender points found throughout the body of Fibromyalgia patients.

Tender points were used, and are still used by some doctors to diagnose Fibromyalgia. On examination if intense pain is felt, and not just tenderness, in at least eleven out of the eighteen specific points a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia could be made. Other criteria to making a diagnosis were having widespread pain on both sides of the body for a period of at least three months.

The 18 Fibromyalgia Tender Points

According to Very Well Health it was a Scottish surgeon named William Balfour in 1815 who was first to describe tender points. He noted nodules on connective tissues and theorized that inflammation could be behind both the nodules and pain.

There are a total of 18 specific Fibromyalgia tender points found in both sides of the body that once pressed produce intense pain in people who have Fibromyalgia.

Today it is becoming less likely that the tender points test is used solely to diagnose Fibromyalgia. This is because physicians now take into account other criteria to make a Fibromyalgia diagnosis such as poor sleep, brain fog, fatigue and other unexplained symptoms.

Fibromyalgia Tender Points Location

Fibromyalgia tender points are found on both sides of the body below and above the waist. Fibromyalgia tender points are found at the back and front of the neck, upper chest, shoulders, outer elbows, lower back, hips and knees.

Trigger Points and Tender Points

There is sometimes confusion between trigger points and Fibromyalgia tender points. Trigger points also known as Myofascial trigger points can be found anywhere on the body and once pressed can trigger pain in another part of the body. This is also known as referred pain. 

The pain from trigger points occurs when the connective tissue or fascia becomes taut, stiff, knotted and tightened either through injury, trauma or in the case of Fibromyalgia chronic poor health. Fascia should be soft, supple and pliable normally and cause no pain. Elsewhere I have written much more about fascia

People with Fibromyalgia, myself included, can have both tender points and trigger points. I scored 18 out of 18 when my rheumatologist prodded me.

I believe that the 18 tender points of Fibromyalgia are simply painful fascia areas. But fascia pain in Fibromyalgia sufferers is not just confined to these tender points. I believe most of the widespread pain felt by people with Fibromyalgia is fascia pain.

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